Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Song: We Raise de Wheat

We raise de wheat,
Dey gib us de corn;
We bake de bread,
Dey bib us de crust;
We sif de meal,
Dey gib us de huss;
We peel de meat,
Dey gib us de skin;
And dat's de way
Dey take us in;
We skim de pot,
Dey gibusde liquor,
And say dat's good enough for nigger.

from Frederick Douglass'
My Bondage and My Freedom, 1853

1 comment:

  1. this is de best poem ever, describing how me fellow africans in diaspora were harshly treated. now its tym to speak up and conqour de enemy who is de white mann.
    kip it up Dorlette.
