Tuesday, May 19, 2009

True Beauty Is...

Is my hair permed, relaxed, or texturized like the most of us?
No. But believe and trust
that I am still black from dawn to dusk.
Are my thighs thick? Or are they voluptuous?
No, but best believe brothas go crazy as they fall in lust.
Is my lower back round, full, firm?
No. But why should that be of anyone’s concern?

No I’m not thick in the thighs or big in the booty,
but I’d like to think that I’m worth more than that, truly.
I’m not just a piece a meat hoping for someone to notice me.
I’m a woman with a spirit so bright and so real
that even the angels above applaud me.
I lure my men with my character and moral attributes,
not with the flesh on my body and my sassy attitudes.

My faith and spirituality shines through
in all that I say and in all that I do.
Females look at me and think,
“Why would he want her?”
But Fellahs look at me and see
that I’m worth more than diamonds, gems, or pearls.

My beauty is unlike any other; it can’t be compared.
My gorgeousness is that of my own, so it can’t be shared.
And do you know what is most amazing, outrageous, astounding?
It is that this beauty springs from the inside me
and blesses all that is within my surrounding.

People look at me and see something new, different; something fresh.
And when I speak, they learn to understand that beauty isn’t just something of the flesh.
No. It goes deeper than that.
This blessing, it’s much stronger than that.

It is a blessing within itself realizing your worth, understanding your value,
But I can’t make it happen. That’s all up to you.

Females trip about being treated wrong,
and their agitation, aggravation, irritation - it’s strong.
Yet we never take the time to analyze ourselves and who we say we are.
We tell people we’re sweet, respectful, selfless - but is all that really in our hearts?
We must be willing to check out our soul, our spirit, our inner lady
because there, and only there, will we finally be able to interpret our true inner beauty.

by Dorlette Pierre-Louis

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